Saturday, December 12, 2009

A small glimpse...


  1. Amber, wow this past week has been full of so many emotions and memories! I, like so many people graced by your presence have been on a rollercoaster ride. I was driving home from work and heard the song Why by Rascal Flatts, and couldn't help but break down. I don't know that anyone will ever understand why we lose the ones love so much in this life. All we can do is remember the times we shared! I have so many great memories The most recent would be when DeAnna and I were in Utah. We all laughed and ate dinner and spent a great night talking about how we were in the old days. That was the last time I saw you in person! And to me I think it was great that I had that night to share those memories with you together one more time. I am sorry I wasn't there for your final goodbye from this year, but I know we will see each other again. Thanks for the laughs, the smiles, and 20+ of the best years of my life! I love you Amber! R.I.P
    Love always,
    Kevin Bell

  2. This is a beautiful tribute. I especially loved the pictures of her angelbabyboys laying in a shallow tub, it was so cute! I knew Amber for just a skosh hair of time compared to the rest of you, but what I did gather from her was that she was a Mommy who loved her boys very much! I loved the comments from her myspace page they are very memorable: "My kids are my LIFE!" "You never know how STRONG you are until being STRONG is the ONLY choice you have." (I can relate) "This is the way I live... Classy but WiLd!" This made me chuckle: "Haters make me FAMOUS!!"

    I can see in addition to her love for her family, & her friends, she had a wonderful sense of humor, and was very logical! Rest in the peace of God beautiful Woman.

